15 research outputs found

    Treatment of organic wastes from hausehold by effective microorganisms technology

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    U ovom radu koji se bavi mogućnostima primjene tehnologije efektivnih mikroorganizama ispitana je mogućnost proizvodnje efektivnih mikroorganizama prilikom kompostiranje organske biomase koja zaostaje prilikom svakog procesa pripreme hrane u kućanstvima. Organski otpaci koji se inače beskorisno bacaju mogu se uspjeÅ”no iskoristiti tako da se prikupe na odgovarajućim mjestima i u odgovarajućim posudama i tretiranjem biomase pomoću suspenzije efektivnih mikroorganizama dobiti bezbroj blagodati u mogućnostima primjene. Dakle, prema postavljenom cilju istaživanja utvrđen je mikrobioloÅ”ki sastav dobivene fermentacijske tekućine, kako u smislu udjela efektivnih mikroorganizama tako i u smislu sadržaja nekih drugih prisutnih mikroorganizama u kompostnoj masi. Ustanovljeno je kako se brojnost efektivnih mikroorganizama umnožila prilikom kompostiranja, pri čemu se kao rezultat tretiranja smanjio broj nepoželjnih vrsta mikrorganizama. Ovaj postupak stoga valja učestalo ponavljati sa svim otpacima organskog podrijetla bilo u kućanstvima ili uopće u svakodnevom životu, jer time se sprječava zagađivanje okoliÅ”a, a otvaraju se brojne pogodnosti primjene dobivenih korisnih i lako upotrebljivih vlastitih proizvoda.In this work, which deals with possibilities of appliance effective microorganisms technology, are tested possibilities of making effective microorganisms while composting organic biomass from residues from households. Organic waste, which is usually useless throw away, can be successfully used by collecting it on some spots or in appropriate containers, and treating the biomass with suspension of effective microorganisms. According to the research goals, it is determined microbiological composition of obtained fermentation liquid, both in terms of effective microorganisms and other microorganisms which are contained in the compost. It was found that the number of effective microorganisms multiplied during composting, whereby as a result of the treatment reduced the number of undesirable species of microorganisms. This process, therefore, must be frequently repeated with all the waste of organic origin either in homes or even in daily lives, as this prevents contamination of the environment, and open up a number of benefits obtained by the application of useful and easy to apply its own products


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    It has been known for many years that the excessive consumption of sugar (sucrose) has harmful effects on human health. This fact led to a reduction in sugar consumption and the appearance of artificial sweeteners in the 1800s. The first low-cost and low-calorie sugar alternative was saccharin. Since this sweetener gained great popularity, other artificial sweeteners soon followed, including aspartame, acesulfame-K and cyclamates as the most common ones. As the result of a sharp rise in the obesity pandemic in all populations and ethnic groups, a demand for sweeteners with a minimum caloric value has increased dramatically in the last decade as consumers care more about their health. Due to the different regulation of permitted artificial sweeteners in United States (US) and Europe (EU), there are some controversies and suspicions about the relationship between certain sweeteners and a potential health risk. Despite doubts about the safety of artificial sweeteners, many studies have shown the absence of dangers associated with their use (if used in the acceptable daily intake, ADI). Therefore, artificial sweeteners today are considered as safe for consumption by many competent institutions and organisations. Nowadays, artificial sweeteners are fundamental in the food industry and present in many foodstuffs


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    It has been known for many years that the excessive consumption of sugar (sucrose) has harmful effects on human health. This fact led to a reduction in sugar consumption and the appearance of artificial sweeteners in the 1800s. The first low-cost and low-calorie sugar alternative was saccharin. Since this sweetener gained great popularity, other artificial sweeteners soon followed, including aspartame, acesulfame-K and cyclamates as the most common ones. As the result of a sharp rise in the obesity pandemic in all populations and ethnic groups, a demand for sweeteners with a minimum caloric value has increased dramatically in the last decade as consumers care more about their health. Due to the different regulation of permitted artificial sweeteners in United States (US) and Europe (EU), there are some controversies and suspicions about the relationship between certain sweeteners and a potential health risk. Despite doubts about the safety of artificial sweeteners, many studies have shown the absence of dangers associated with their use (if used in the acceptable daily intake, ADI). Therefore, artificial sweeteners today are considered as safe for consumption by many competent institutions and organisations. Nowadays, artificial sweeteners are fundamental in the food industry and present in many foodstuffs


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    Climate changes are causing frequent drought which leads to shortage of water, reducing wheat production worldwide. The three winter wheat genotypes were examined for their response to drought at the germination and seedling stage. Research was carried out under controlled conditions where polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) was used in 20% concentration to create artificial drought stress. The results revealed that genotype ā€™Vulkanā€™ showed maximum germination percentage (85%) in control while the minimum germination percentage was observed in ā€˜Å½itarkaā€™ (43%) under PEG treatment. At control level seed germination percentage was the higher in all three genotypes compared to drought treatment. ā€˜Vulkanā€™ had the highest shoot length in control plants (14.18 cm) which was significantly reduced in PEG treatment (6.93 cm). Maximum fresh weight of shoots was recorded in ā€˜Vulkanā€™ (1.53 g) followed by ā€˜Antonijaā€™ (1.23 g) in control treatment. Under control conditions, genotype ā€˜Antonijaā€™ showed maximum root length in control and PEG treatment (14.52 and 12.46 cm, respectively) among other genotypes, followed by ā€˜Vulkanā€™ in control treatment (9.88 cm), while minimum root length was observed in ā€˜Zitarkaā€™ in PEG treatment (6.52 cm). The root fresh weight values were decreased with increasing water stress in two wheat genotypes (ā€˜Zitarkaā€™ and ā€˜Antonijaā€™), while in ā€˜Vulkanā€™ it was increased. Root dry weight decrease was only observed in ā€˜Zitarkaā€™.Klimatske promjene uzrokuju čestu suÅ”u koja dovodi do manjka vode, te smanjenja proizvodnje pÅ”enice u svijetu. Tri genotipa ozime pÅ”enice ispitivana su na suÅ”u u stadiju klijanja i klijanaca. Istraživanje je provedeno u laboratorijskim uvjetima u kojima je polietilen glikol (PEG 6000) koriÅ”ten u koncentraciji od 20% kako bi se stvorio umjetni stres na suÅ”u. Rezultati su pokazali da je genotip \u27Vulkan\u27 pokazao najveći postotak klijavosti (85%) u kontrolnoj skupini, dok je najmanji postotak klijavosti zabilježen u \u27Žitarki\u27 (43%) u PEG tretmanu. U kontroli postotak klijavosti sjemena bio je značajno veći u sva tri genotipa, u odnosu na 20% PEG 6000 tretman. \u27Vulkan\u27 je imao najveću duljinu izdanaka u kontrolnim biljkama (14,18 cm) Å”to je značajno smanjeno u PEG tretmanu (6,93 cm). Najveća svježa masa izdanaka zabilježena je kod \u27Vulkana\u27 (1,5 g), te \u27Antonije\u27 (1,23 g) u kontrolnom tretmanu. U kontrolnim uvjetima, genotip \u27Antonija\u27 pokazao je najveću duljinu korijena u kontrolnom i PEG tretmanu (14,52 i 12,46 cm) između ostalih genotipova, te \u27Vulkan\u27 u kontrolnom tretmanu (9,88 cm), dok je minimalna duljina korijena zabilježena kod \u27Zitarke\u27 u PEG tretmanu (6,52 cm). Vrijednosti svježih masa korijena smanjene su u uvjetima suÅ”e u dva genotipa pÅ”enice (\u27Zitarka\u27 i \u27Antonija\u27), dok je u \u27Vulkanu\u27 ta masa povećana. U suÅ”nim uvjetima smanjenje suhe mase korijena zabilježeno je samo kod \u27Zitarke\u27


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    While highly nutritional, raw vegetables pose a significant health risk of food-borne diseases. Along with their popularity among the consumers, the number of food recalls for ready-to-eat salads around the world is constantly increasing. The study focused on the prevalence of parasite elements in vegetables selected randomly from two fresh food markets and two retail supermarkets from the area of Osijek city between March and June 2018. Four types of vegetables: lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata), kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) and spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), and ready-to-eat salads (combinations of carrot, different types of lettuce, cabbage, and beetroot) have been analysed. Total of 36 samples from fresh food markets and 17 ready-to-eat salads were analysed by light microscopy. Parasite elements were detected in 3.77% of all tested samples. Total of 33.96% of lettuce and ready-to-eat salads samples contained undefined cysts. The highest increase in detected number of parasitic elements was observed in June. All other types of vegetables analysed were free from parasitic elements. Our research confirms that ready-to-eat salads pose significant health concern for the consumer. More promotional activities are needed to increase consumerā€™s awareness of the potential risks related to consumption of ready-to-eat salads

    Prvi opis karbapenemaze u osječko-baranjskoj županiji u unesenom izolatu enterobactera cloacae in vitro osjetljivom na karbapeneme [First report of carbapenemases in Osijek-Baranja County in imported Enterobacter cloacae isolate in vitro susceptible to carbapenems]

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    Carbapenems are often the only therapeutic option to treat infections caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria. Emergence of carbapenemases in the isolates of Enterobacteriaceae limits therapeutic options. Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae have emerged since 2008 throughout Croatia. In Osijek-Baranja County carbapenem-resistant strains of Enterobacteriaceae were not reported until 2013. The first carbapenem-resistant strain (Enterobacter cloacae) was identified in August 2013 in a patient previously hospitalized at University Hospital Center Zagreb for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Molecular analysis revealed the production of VIM-1 metallo-beta-lactamase (MBL). In spite of the metallo-beta-lactamase production the strain was not resistant to imipenem and meropenem in disk-diffusion and microdilution test. This report shows that routine susceptibility testing carried out in most laboratories does not necessarily detect carbapenemase production in Enterobacteriaceae. Since these enzymes are encoded on mobile genetic elements there is a risk of horizontal spread to other enterobacterial isolates and the development of hospital outbreaks


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    Karbapenemi su često posljednja terapijska opcija za liječenje infekcija uzrokovanih multirezistentnim gram-negativnim bakterijama. Pojava karbapenemaza u izolatima enterobakterija ograničava terapijske mogućnosti. Izolati enterobakterija rezistentni na karbapenem pojavili su se od 2008. diljem Hrvatske. U Osječko-baranjskoj županiji do 2013. godine nije zapažena pojava izolata rezistentnih na karbapenem iz porodice Enterobacteriaceae. Prvi takav izolat (Enterobacter cloacae) identificiran je u kolovozu 2013. godine u bolesnice koja je prethodno boravila u KBC-u Zagreb radi liječenja akutne limfocitne leukemije. Molekularnim metodama dokazana je produkcija VIM-1 metalo-b-laktamaze (MBL). Unatoč produkciji metalo-b-laktamaze izolat nije pokazivao rezistenciju na imipenem i meropenem u disk-difuzijskom i dilucijskom testu. Iz ovog prikaza proizlazi da rutinsko testiranje osjetljivosti koje se provodi u većini mikrobioloÅ”kih laboratorija ne mora uvijek detektirati karbapenemazu u enterobakterija. Budući da su metalo-b-laktamaze kodirane prenosivim genskim elementima, postoji opasnost od horizontalnog Å”irenja na druge bakterijske izolate enterobakterija i mogućnost pojave bolničkih epidemija.Carbapenems are often the only therapeutic option to treat infections caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria. Emergence of carbapenemases in the isolates of Enterobacteriaceae limits therapeutic options. Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae have emerged since 2008 throughout Croatia. In Osijek-Baranja County carbapenem-resistant strains of Enterobacteriaceae were not reported until 2013. The first carbapenem-resistant strain (Enterobacter cloacae) was identified in August 2013 in a patient previously hospitalized at University Hospital Center Zagreb for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Molecular analysis revealed the production of VIM-1 metallo-b-lactamase (MBL). In spite of the metallo-b-lactamase production the strain was not resistant to imipenem and meropenem in disk-diffusion and microdilution test. This report shows that routine susceptibility testing carried out in most laboratories does not necessarily detect carbapenemase production in Enterobacteriaceae. Since these enzymes are encoded on mobile genetic elements there is a risk of horizontal spread to other enterobacterial isolates and the development of hospital outbreaks


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    Karbapenemi su često posljednja terapijska opcija za liječenje infekcija uzrokovanih multirezistentnim gram-negativnim bakterijama. Pojava karbapenemaza u izolatima enterobakterija ograničava terapijske mogućnosti. Izolati enterobakterija rezistentni na karbapenem pojavili su se od 2008. diljem Hrvatske. U Osječko-baranjskoj županiji do 2013. godine nije zapažena pojava izolata rezistentnih na karbapenem iz porodice Enterobacteriaceae. Prvi takav izolat (Enterobacter cloacae) identificiran je u kolovozu 2013. godine u bolesnice koja je prethodno boravila u KBC-u Zagreb radi liječenja akutne limfocitne leukemije. Molekularnim metodama dokazana je produkcija VIM-1 metalo-b-laktamaze (MBL). Unatoč produkciji metalo-b-laktamaze izolat nije pokazivao rezistenciju na imipenem i meropenem u disk-difuzijskom i dilucijskom testu. Iz ovog prikaza proizlazi da rutinsko testiranje osjetljivosti koje se provodi u većini mikrobioloÅ”kih laboratorija ne mora uvijek detektirati karbapenemazu u enterobakterija. Budući da su metalo-b-laktamaze kodirane prenosivim genskim elementima, postoji opasnost od horizontalnog Å”irenja na druge bakterijske izolate enterobakterija i mogućnost pojave bolničkih epidemija.Carbapenems are often the only therapeutic option to treat infections caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria. Emergence of carbapenemases in the isolates of Enterobacteriaceae limits therapeutic options. Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae have emerged since 2008 throughout Croatia. In Osijek-Baranja County carbapenem-resistant strains of Enterobacteriaceae were not reported until 2013. The first carbapenem-resistant strain (Enterobacter cloacae) was identified in August 2013 in a patient previously hospitalized at University Hospital Center Zagreb for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Molecular analysis revealed the production of VIM-1 metallo-b-lactamase (MBL). In spite of the metallo-b-lactamase production the strain was not resistant to imipenem and meropenem in disk-diffusion and microdilution test. This report shows that routine susceptibility testing carried out in most laboratories does not necessarily detect carbapenemase production in Enterobacteriaceae. Since these enzymes are encoded on mobile genetic elements there is a risk of horizontal spread to other enterobacterial isolates and the development of hospital outbreaks


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    While highly nutritional, raw vegetables pose a significant health risk of food-borne diseases. Along with their popularity among the consumers, the number of food recalls for ready-to-eat salads around the world is constantly increasing. The study focused on the prevalence of parasite elements in vegetables selected randomly from two fresh food markets and two retail supermarkets from the area of Osijek city between March and June 2018. Four types of vegetables: lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata), kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) and spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), and ready-to-eat salads (combinations of carrot, different types of lettuce, cabbage, and beetroot) have been analysed. Total of 36 samples from fresh food markets and 17 ready-to-eat salads were analysed by light microscopy. Parasite elements were detected in 3.77% of all tested samples. Total of 33.96% of lettuce and ready-to-eat salads samples contained undefined cysts. The highest increase in detected number of parasitic elements was observed in June. All other types of vegetables analysed were free from parasitic elements. Our research confirms that ready-to-eat salads pose significant health concern for the consumer. More promotional activities are needed to increase consumerā€™s awareness of the potential risks related to consumption of ready-to-eat salads

    Antioxidant Activity of Basil, Cinnamon and Rosemary

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti udio polifenola i antioksidativnu aktivnost odabranih suhih začina: bosiljka, cimeta i ružmarina. Antioksidativna aktivnost je određena primjenom DPPH i ABTS metode. Najveći udio polifenola imao je cimet (2,894 g/kg), a najmanji bosiljak (1,380 g/kg). Najveću antioksidativnu aktivnost također je imao cimet (26,148 i 35,748 Ī¼mol TE/100 g, određenu DPPH i ABTS metodom), a najmanju basil (14,858 i 24,899 Ī¼mol TE/100 g, određenu DPPH i ABTS metodom). Razlika u antioksidativnoj aktivnosti određene DPPH i ABTS metodom posljedica je razlike u reaktivnosti antioksidanasa s primijenjenim sintetskim slobodnim radikalima. Određena je ovisnost između udjela polifenola i antioksidativne aktivnosti te je utvrđeno na temelju visokog koeficijenta korelacije da antioksidativna aktivnost ovisi o udjelu polifenola.The aim of this work was to determine polyphenol content and antioxidant activity of selected dried spices: basil, cinnamon and rosemary. Antioxidant activity was determined by DPPH and ABTS method. The highest polyphenol content had cinnamon (2.894 g/kg), and the lowest basil (1.380 g/kg). The highest antioxidant activity also had cinnamon (26.148 and 35.748 Ī¼mol TE/100 g, determined by DPPH and ABTS method) and the lowest basil (14.858 and 24.899 Ī¼mol TE/100 g, determined by DPPH and ABTS method). Difference in antioxidant activity determined by DPPH and ABTS method can be explained by difference in reactivity of antioxidant activity with applied synthetic free radicals. Relationship between polyphenol content and antioxidant was also determined. On the basis of high correlation coefficient it can be concluded that antioxidant activity depends on polyphenol content